Daken Daban Shan

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Daken Daban Shan
location Gansu ( PR China )
part of Qilian Shan
Daken Daban Shan (China)
Daken Daban Shan
Coordinates 39 ° 6 ′  N , 95 ° 28 ′  E Coordinates: 39 ° 6 ′  N , 95 ° 28 ′  E

Daken Daban Shan (达肯 大 坂 山), literally "Daken Daban Mountains", in China is a high, inner-Asian mountain range in the southwest of the Nan Shan , where it forms part of the Qilian Mountains .

Geographical location and geology

The Daken-Daban Mountains begin at about 95 ° east longitude with a strike from northwest to southeast, which soon bends to east-southeast. They consist of two parallel chains that flatten to the west into the Syrtyn desert ; the northern one (Tsagangolu) consists of transformed schists and granite with porphyry corridors, the thicker southern one of similar schists and carboniferous . In the north the mountain range is separated from the Ulan-Daban Mountains (乌兰 大 坂 山), formerly known as the Humboldt Range, through a longitudinal valley through which the Chaltyngol flows , and in the south it is separated from the Muschketow Mountains by the broad "desert valley" .

Knight Mountains

The military and explorer Nikolai Przhevalsky (1839-1888), the Daken Daban Mountains explored in 1879, described it in honor of the geographer Carl Ritter (1179-1859) as the Knights Mountains , a name that could not be introduced as a colonial foreign name .