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Maluscha or Malka (* around 945?) Was the mother of Vladimir the Great , the most important grand prince of the Kievan Rus .


There is hardly any reliable information about her person. The Nestor Chronicle wrote that she was the daughter of Malk Lyubetschanin and the servant of Princess Olga . Her brother was Dobrynja , the later confidante of Vladimir and his governor in Novgorod. The year of birth is unknown.

She gave birth to Vladimir around 960. This was a not befitting son of Grand Duke Svyatoslav . Nevertheless, he became the most momentous ruler of the Rus.

Nothing more is known about her life. After her death, Vladimir is said to have had a St. Mary's Church built in his native Budutino.


  • Д. И. Прозоровский: О родстве св. Владимира по матери. Записки Императорской Академии наук, Vol. V / 1, St. Petersburg 1864 online