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Mamurra (lived in the 1st century BC) was a Roman praefectus fabrum who had served under Gaius Iulius Caesar .


Mamurra was a member of the Roman equestrian order and came from Formiae, today's Formia . Very little is known about his life. Birthday or death date is not known with certainty. It is widely believed that his death was in 45 BC. BC Cicero reports in a letter to his friend Atticus about Caesar's visit to his house in 45 BC. BC, on the last day of Saturnalia (December 19). There Caesar received a message about his long-time war builder Mamurra, who had built the temporary bridge over the Rhine . Caesar accepted this message with an unmoved face (" tum audivit de Mamurra, vultum non mutavit ") - although it is generally assumed that it was the news of Mamurra's death.


  • Mamurra is best known for Catullus poems in which he is insulted as a rich favorite and lover of Caesar.
  • Furthermore he is mentioned by Cicero in his letters to Atticus (7.7.6; 13.52.1). Pliny the Elder (nat. 36.7), Suetonius (Jul. 73) and by Horace (sat. 1.5.37) named. But it also appears in Martial's epigram 9.59.
