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Mandrocles (Greek Μανδροκλῆς) was a Greek architect of the Asia Minor upstream Ionian island of Samos , of serving the Persian Great King Darius I v in 513, respectively. BC built a ship bridge over the Thracian Bosporus and thereby opened the way to Europe for the troops of Darius to campaign against the Scythians . According to Herodotus , 70,000 men are said to have crossed this ship bridge over the Bosporus .

For his architectural pioneering work, Mandrokles was royally rewarded by Darius. He used some of the gifts he received to make a painting depicting the ship's bridge he had built, the seated Great King Darius and the transition of the Persian army to Europe, and set up the painting in the Heraion of Samos as a consecration gift.



  1. Herodotus 4, 87.
  2. Herodotus 4:88.