Marcus Minucius Thermus

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Marcus Minucius Thermus (1st century BC) was a politician and general of the late Roman Republic .

Little is known about Marcus Minicius Thermus; it found its way into the history books because the young Gaius Iulius Caesar was under his command. The Sullaner Thermus was in the year 81 BC. BC Praetor . During his year in office or immediately afterwards, he went to the Asia Minor province of Asia as governor .

During his time as a propaetor in 80 BC. He took the young, just 19-year-old Caesar on as an officer in his staff. Under Thermus' leadership, Mytilene was conquered on Lesbos , with Caesar standing out and receiving an award, the Corona Civica , from him.

It is also known that he sent Caesar to Bithynia during the siege of Mytilene . There the young officer was supposed to organize a fleet that the besiegers lacked and bring it to Mytilene.
