Marcus Ulpius Gemellinus

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Marcus Ulpius Gemellinus (or Geminus ) was a member of the Roman knighthood ( Eques ) living in the 2nd century AD .

An inscription that was found near Sarmizegetusa and which is dated to 107/130 proves that Gemellinus was prefect of a cohort with ordinal number II . The inscription is not completely preserved. The reading of the inscription at the EDCS is M (arco) Ulp (io) Gem [ellino] praef (ecto) coh (ortis) II [Fl (aviae) Com (magenorum?)] ; according to EDCS, Gemellinus was therefore probably in command of the Cohors II Flavia Commagenorum . John Spaul assigns Geminus to another unit, namely the Cohors IIII Hispanorum ; it complements the prefect's cognomen at Geminus .

Individual evidence

  1. Inscription ( CIL 3, 1484 ).
  2. John Spaul : Cohors² The evidence for and a short history of the auxiliary infantry units of the Imperial Roman Army , British Archaeological Reports 2000, BAR International Series (Book 841), ISBN 978-1-84171-046-4 , page 133 .