Margherita Oggero

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Margherita Oggero

Margherita Oggero (born March 22, 1940 in Turin ) is an Italian writer and teacher.


Oggero studied in her hometown a. a. Pedagogy and then worked as a teacher until she retired.

She made her debut as a writer in 2002 with her detective novel Beautiful, Blond, Rich and Dead . Several novels followed, including a children's book in 2011. Through the filming of some of her novels - Oggero was able to work on the scripts - she made some important contacts. As a result, Oggero has been able to co-write several other scripts so far.

For La Ragazza di fronte , Oggero received the Premio Bancarella in 2016 .

Works (selection)

Illustrated book
  • 2007: Torino, l'ora blu. Racconto fotografico di Mauro Raffini, testo di Margherita Oggero . Gribaudo, Terzo
Children's book
  • 2011: L'amico di Mizù . Notes, Turin
  • 2002: La collega tatuata . Mondadori, Milan
→ dt. Beautiful, blond, rich and dead . Detective novel. Grafit Verlag, Dortmund 2004, ISBN 3-89425-533-1 .
  • 2003: Una piccola bestia ferita . Mondadori, Milan
→ dt. Death only comes once . Novel. Diana-Verlag, Munich 2005, ISBN 3-453-35091-X .
  • 2005: L'amica americana . Mondadori, Milan
→ German espresso with fatal consequences . Detective novel. Piper, Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-492-25740-4 .
  • 2007: Qualcosa da tenere per sé . Mondadori, Milan
→ German murder for aperitivo . Detective novel. Piper, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-492-25991-0 .
  • 2008: Il rosso attira lo sguardo. Quattro stagioni di relazioni pericolose . Mondadori, Milan, ISBN 978-88-04-58259-5 .
  • 2008: Orgoglio di classe. Piccolo manuale di autostima per la scuola italiana e chi la frequenta . Mondadori, Milan, ISBN 978-88-04-58639-5 .


  • Davide Ferrario (Director): Se devo essere sincera . 2004 (based on the novel Beautiful, Blond, Rich and Dead )
  • Rossella Izzo (Director): L'amica americana (based on the novel Espresso with Consequences of Death )

Individual evidence

  1. Contents: La chiave tibetana , Ci s'innamora una volta sola , Festa d'addio and La seconda volta .
  2. This film was made as part of the Provaci ancora prof! designed.

Web links