Mark Rashid

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Mark Rashid is an American horse trainer.


Rashid has been working with horses since 1978 and is known for his special kind of training. Basically he tries to see the situation from the point of view of the horse. It is mainly about "softness" between rider and horse and about communication between both. He has published ten books and 6 DVDs and gives courses all over the world. Rashid lives in Colorado . He works with riders of all riding styles according to a method he learned at a young age and partly developed by himself. Since Mark Rashid wants to continuously develop his teaching methods, aspects of the Japanese martial art Aikido have also been incorporated into his work for several years .

Works (selection)

  • Who listens to the horses. Experiences of a horseman from Colorado ("Considering the horse"). Kosmos, Stuttgart 1999, ISBN 3-440-07753-5 .
  • A good horse is never the wrong color (“A good horse is never a bad color”). Animal-Learn-Verlag, Bernau 2006, ISBN 978-3-936188-27-1 .
  • Who learns from the horses. A horseman who becomes a pupil of his horse (“Life lessons from a ranch horse”). Kosmos, Stuttgart 2007, ISBN 978-3-440-10849-9 .
  • Because horses don't lie. New ways to a familiar human-animal relationship . Kosmos, Stuttgart 2002, ISBN 3-440-09357-3 .

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