Brand cooperation

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The concept of brand cooperation is made up of the terms brand and cooperation . So brand cooperation is about collaboration between brands. Terms such as brand alliance, brand partnership or co-branding are often used synonymously . Corporate cooperations are also equated with the term brand cooperation.

Cooperations take place in companies along the entire value chain. There are collaborations in research and development, purchasing, financing, production, logistics and distribution, as well as marketing and sales. The term marketing cooperation is also often used synonymously with brand cooperation. However, since marketing is only one possible area of ​​cooperation, brand cooperation is the overarching concept of cooperation.

The content of the cooperation can be of different types, but it is the same that the primary motive of a brand cooperation is the voluntary and partnership-based cooperation between at least two legally independent companies or brands for the benefit of the cooperation partners and the customer groups involved. The cooperation is usually limited to one corporate division, limited in time and regulated by a contract.

Brand cooperations can have different directions and can be differentiated according to sector affiliation and the value-added level of the cooperation partner. One speaks of vertical cooperation , lateral cooperation and horizontal cooperation. Cooperating companies do not necessarily have to come from the same industry. In addition, the cooperation can take place inside and outside the value chain.

to form

Brand cooperations can be differentiated according to the intensity and duration of the cooperation. The intensity denotes the giving up of freedom of choice despite the preservation of legal independence. The intensity of the cooperation increases, the more economic resources are brought into the cooperation by the partners and the legal and psychological ties to the partner increase. The duration of the cooperation relates to the time horizon of the cooperation. As the duration of the cooperation increases, the intensity and vice versa usually also increase for cost-benefit considerations. Typical forms of cooperation are:

Form of cooperation description aims
Affiliate Marketing Sales measures of an e-commerce provider via sales partners on the Internet against commission Development of new target groups, sales, generating additional revenues
Co-promotions Joint communication and sales promotion measures
Direct sales at the POS, acquisition of new customers, increase in awareness
Co-events Cooperative organization of an event to address a target group together Image transfer, cost sharing
Co-referencing Reciprocal presentation and recommendation of a partner company to one's own customers Increased awareness, addressing new target groups, image transfer
Media cooperation Communication policy cooperation between a manufacturer or dealer and a media company Awareness increase, sales, increase in utility value of the medium
Co-advertising Communication policy cooperation between two brands to advertise products Cost sharing, image transfer, increasing awareness
Cross-selling / sales cooperation Offer the products through the other partner's sales channels Creation of new sales channels, new target groups, added value for existing customers, increased customer frequency
Co-marketing Partnership-based cooperation between manufacturer / service provider and trade in marketing. The trade brand is an integral part of the cooperation Profiling the trading company as a brand, increasing sales
Co-branding Two or more well-known brands mark a common product or service Differentiation from competition through customer benefits, addressing new target groups, increasing awareness, image transfer
Ingredient branding Integration of a supplier product as a component or component in another product. Marking of the component on the main product Image transfer, increasing awareness, securing sales
Licenses Transfer of trademarks (rights) to other product categories Awareness increase, image transfer

Brand cooperations are also significantly influenced by digitization. Collaborating online may not be a new discipline, but online brand collaborations have grown in importance thanks to social media and other new channels such as mobile, consoles, smart TV and voice assistants. This has resulted in new forms of cooperation, such as B. Social media, influencer and content cooperations formed.


  • Nils Pickenpack, Daniel Beye, Heike Jochims, Bruno Kollhorst (2013): Brand cooperations . Who does not cooperate - loses . BusinessVillage Publishing House. ISBN 978-3869802244
  • Karsten Kilian, Nils Pickenpack (2018): More success with brand partnerships. Partnerships in the age of digitization . BusinessVillage Publishing House. ISBN 978-3869804255
  • Karsten Kilian (2018): Using testimonials effectively in brand communication , in: Tobias Langner, Franz-Rudolf Esch, Manfred Bruhn (Eds.): Techniques of Communication , Springer Gabler Verlag. ISBN 978-3658046521
  • Carsten Baumgarth (2003): Effects of Co-Branding: Findings from Master Technique Pluralism . German university publisher. ISBN 978-3824478965
  • Answin Vilmar (2006): Brand Cooperations - Cooperative Marketing: Strategies and Decision Aids for Practice . Varus publishing house. ISBN 978-3928475860

Individual evidence

  1. N. Pickenpack, D. Beye, H. Jochims, B. Kollhorst: Brand cooperations, who does not cooperate - loses . Ed .: Nils Pickenpack. 1st edition. BusinessVillage, Göttingen 2013, ISBN 978-3-86980-224-4 , p. 248 .
  2. Nils Pickenpack: More success with brand cooperations: partnerships in the age of digitization . Ed .: Karsten Kilian, Nils Pickenpack. 1st edition. BusinessVillage, Göttingen 2018, ISBN 978-3-86980-425-5 , p. 272 .