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The Markus-Pflüger-Heim is a care facility in Wiechs , Lörrach district , Baden . It was founded in 1877 as a district nursing home for the Lörrach district. It accommodated people with mental or intellectual disabilities or addictions. In 1910 there were 270 residents. In the Third Reich , 89 of the patients were murdered in the Grafeneck killing center . Parts of the house were then used as a hospital. Today the home is named after the liberal politician and member of parliament Markus Pflüger , on whose initiative the facility goes back. It is in the ownership of the home operation. Since March 2016, an additional 32 people have been living in two residential groups in a branch in Rheinfelden .

See also

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Markus-Pflüger-Heim: history.
  2. Commemorative 80th Anniversary of the district asylum in Loerrach Wiechs in Schopfheim. Südwestdruck, 1957, 43 pages
  3. Thomas Stöckle u. a., Grafeneck Memorial (ed.): The victims of Grafeneck 1940. Retrieved on August 14, 2017

Coordinates: 47 ° 38 ′ 26.9 ″  N , 7 ° 48 ′ 56.9 ″  E