Martin Fiedler

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Martin Fiedler (* 1978 ) is a German amateur astronomer and asteroid discoverer who works with the Adolph Diesterweg public observatory in Radebeul , Saxony .

Fiedler, a geography graduate in Dresden and a CCD observer since 1995/1996, is the discoverer of eleven asteroids , five of which were first discovered ( as of 2016 ), so that he was also given the right to suggest a name . Three asteroid discoveries have been assigned to major survey projects; three are still pending assessment.

All five asteroids discovered for the first time were given names from their environment: The first, (149884) Radebeul , refers to the city in which the observatory is located. (157491) Rüdigerkollar , (236111) Wolfgangbüttner , (319227) Erichbär and (400309) Ralfhofner honor amateur astronomers from the Saxon / Brandenburg area.

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