Martin Kačur

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Martin Kačur. Živeljenjepis idealista is a novel by the Slovenian writer Ivan Cankar , which was published in January 1907 with the year 1906. The German translation is Martin Kačur. Life description of an idealist .

Cankar describes conditions in Slovenia in the late 19th century. Like the story Der Knecht Jernej und seine Recht , which was written at the same time, the novel is pessimistic and the hero fails. The structure of the work is structured symmetrically. In the first part there is still idealistic confidence, in the second part the hero is broken and in the third and last part there is resignation and collapse.


The progressive and idealistic young teacher Martin Kačur, who had fallen out with the mayor and director because of his zeal, comes to Zapolje. Here, too, he wants to help his ideals achieve a breakthrough and plans to found a reading club so that the residents can learn to read and continue their education. But the conservative forces oppose him and he is accused of sowing discord among the population. He has to leave the place. At the same time, his faithless lover from the neighboring town betrays him.

Now he is being transferred to the desolate place Blatni dol. It's gloomy here, the moor is in the area, and the residents are dull day laborers. When he tries again to introduce improvements, the mayor even secretly threatens him with homicide. This has happened to a blacksmith here before. The girl Tončka casts a spell over him and he marries her, although he suspects that this will be his downfall. Finally he gives up and surrenders to the drink.

After ten years he is surprisingly transferred to the friendly town of Lazi. Times have changed, everything is now liberal and Martin offends with his brutal and conservative teaching methods. He no longer has the strength to change. At the same time, he has to watch as his former opportunistic colleague Ferjan has now advanced to become the school director. The injustice is crowned by the fact that Ferjan also cheats on him with his wife. When his weak child, who is exactly Martin's likeness, dies, he stumbles drunk out into the snow. In a final vision he sees the murdered blacksmith from Blatni dol bend over him and dies.


Martin Kačur is one of the main works of Cankar. The masterfully structured and narrated novel depicts the psychological development of a person, which is to be understood in general terms beyond its time-bound Slovenian ambience. In him the political dimension of Cankar's thinking becomes visible.

After the novel was published, it was received positively by Slovenian critics and was already out of print in the year of publication. The book was published again in 1929 as part of his work edition. The editor, Izidor Cankar, judged: "Martin Kacur - the description of the life of an idealist is the best-built, most vivid, stylistically perfect, conceptually and formally most uniformly conceived, best story by Ivan Cankar" .

Martin Kačur is one of the best known and most translated works by Ivan Cankar. In 1986 it was named "European novel of the year 1906" by the Italian weekly Europea out of a hundred novels from the first half of the 20th century.


  • Martin Kačur . Ljubljana: Anton Knezova knjižnica, 1906
  • Zbrani spisi vol. 9 . Ljubljana: Nova Založba, 1929
  • Martin Kačur . Ljubljana, 1947
  • Izbrana dela vol. 5 . Ljubljana, 1953
  • Martin Kačur . Ljubljana, 1965
  • Martin Kačur . Ljubljana: Knjižnica Kondor, 1966
  • Martin Kačur . Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, 1966
  • Izbrano delo vol. 3 . Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, 1967
  • Zbrano delo vol. 14 . Ljubljana: Državna založba Slovenije, 1970
  • Martin Kačur . Maribor: Obzorja, 1976
  • Martin Kačur . Ljubljana: Prešernova družba, 1976
  • Martin Kačur . Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, 1978
  • Dela Vol. 3 . Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba, 1986
  • Martin Kačur . Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, 1991
  • Martin Kačur . Ljubljana: Karantanija, 1991
  • Martin Kačur . Ljubljana: DZS, 1999
  • Martin Kačur . Ljubljana: DZS, 2001
  • Martin Kačur . Ljubljana: Delo / Inteleg / Študentska založba, 2006 ISBN 961-6570-16-1



  • On the steep path. Translation: Manfred Jähnichen. Berlin (East) and Weimar: Aufbau Verlag, 1965
  • Martin Kačur, the idealist . Translation: Manfred Jähnichen. Klagenfurt: Drava, 1984 ISBN 3-85435-025-2
  • Martin Kačur. Life description of an idealist . Translation: Erwin Köstler . Klagenfurt: Drava, 2006 ISBN 3-85435-457-6


  • 1907


  • Martin Kačur . Životopis jednog idealieta. Zagreb, 1934
  • Martin Kačur . Zagreb, 1968


  • Martin Kačur. Biografia di un idealista . Fiume, 1954
  • Biografia di un idealista . Milan: Rizzoli, 1964
  • Martin Kačur. Biografia di un idealista . Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori, 1981


  • Martin Kačur . Skopje: Školska biblioteka, 1955
  • Martin Kačur . Skopje, 1965


  • Martin Kačur . Moscow: Hudožestvennaja literatura, 1973
  • Čužie / Na ulice bednjakov / Martin Kačur . Moscow: Hudožestvennaja literatura, 1987


  • Martin Kačur . Sarajevo, 1951


  • Martin Kačur / Sluga Jernej i njegovo pravo , Belgrade, 1954
  • Martin Kačur . Belgrade: Nolit, 1970
  • Martin Kačur . Belgrade: Nolit, 1974


  • Egy idealista élete: válogatott elbeszélések . Murska Sobota: Pomurska založba, 1980
  • Egy idealista élete: válogatott elbeszélések . Budapest: Európa Könyvkiadó, 1981


  • A. Malavašič-Zakrajsek, 1946
  • Ms. Smerdu, 1951
  • Ms. Smerdu, 1954
  • Janez Povše, Ljubljana: Delavska enotnost, 1977
  • Fulvio Tomizza: The Idealist. Vienna: Volkstheater, 1983 (world premiere in Trieste)

radio play

  • V. Ocvirk, 1953


  • Idealist. Yugoslavia, 1976 (Book: Vitomil Zupan. Director: Igor Pretnar)