Bulk line (China)

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The mass line ( Chinese  群众 路线 , Pinyin Qúnzhòng lùxiàn ) is a political concept of the CCP ( Communist Party of China ; then under the leadership of Mao ) that gained a large following in the 1940s. It ties in with the Confucian maxim of the ideal official who has to carry out his work in the interests of the people but not on their behalf.

Party cadres registered the needs and wishes of the population and passed them on to the party, which converted these wishes into political measures through a synthesis with party principles. These cadres were made up of members of the observed groups who, for example in the case of a farmer cadre, worked on the field themselves. During the Chinese civil war, the CCP was able to cater to the interests of the majority of the population more than other political forces in China at the time (for example the Guomindang ) were able to do .


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