Master of Architecture

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The Master of Architecture ( M. Arch. For short , Latin: Magister Architecturae ) is an academic degree that can be obtained mainly in the Anglo-Saxon region through a postgraduate degree in architecture.

In Germany, the M. Arch. Can only be awarded in a non-consecutive or continuing education course according to the specifications of the KMK . The M.Arch. Awarded in two courses throughout Germany, from the Academy of Fine Arts in Nuremberg in the postgraduate course in architecture and from the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in the architecture master's program in Dessau. In addition, it is awarded in German-speaking countries at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. The M.Arch. is therefore very rarely awarded in Germany compared to the other possible master’s degrees in architecture, Master of Arts (M. A.) , Master of Science (M. Sc.) or Master of Engineering (M. Eng.) , which are the standard degrees.


  1. State common structural specifications, resolution of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of October 10, 2003
  2. University Compass