Master cattle

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legal form GmbH
Seat Verden , Germany
  • Ulrich Brehmer
  • Josef Pott
  • Ralf Strassemeyer
Number of employees 607
sales 186 million euros
Branch Animal breeding

The Masterrind GmbH (proper spelling with capital letters, MASTERRIND) is a company which deals with the cattle busy breeding cattle marketing and artificial insemination.


The company was created in 2006 from the cooperatives Rinderproduktion Niedersachsen (RPN), Zuchtrindersteigergemeinschaft Hannover (ZEH) and the Saxon Cattle Breeding Association (SRV). In 2013 the Weser-Ems Union (WEU) took part.

Locations, events and products

Sculpture at the main entrance of Masterrind in Verden

Masterrind GmbH has ten locations; the headquarters and thus the largest German insemination station is in Verden . A regional center for the Weser-Ems area is located in Bad Zwischenahn, the regional center for Saxony is located in Meißen . In total, over 8,500 member companies are looked after by Masterrind. With approx. 619,000 herdbook cows of the Holstein breed and almost 11,000 herdbook cows of various beef cattle breeds, the company has the largest herdbook breeding in Germany and therefore describes itself as the market leader of farm and breeding cattle in the Holstein cattle sector . Over 50 breeding cattle auctions are organized annually by Masterrind, with up to 450 animals being auctioned at a time. Masterrind carries out 1,650,000 inseminations per year. Masterrind has around 700 sires in its program. Every year around 165,000 animals are marketed and around 2,850,000 servings of semen are sold, of which around 30 percent are exported to over 50 countries. In addition, Masterrind has various consumables related to dairy farming in its range.

In addition, the company is involved in the work of young breeders and offers young breeders competitions for young dairy cattle breeders and young beef breeders at regular intervals.

Web links

Commons : Masterrind  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Honors and top research at Masterrind. CDU Kirchlinteln, accessed on February 2, 2012 .
  2. Animal producer opens new Saxony headquarters in Meißen. Sächsische Zeitung, accessed on February 2, 2012 .
  3. on the founding date

Coordinates: 52 ° 56 ′ 0.9 ″  N , 9 ° 17 ′ 14.2 ″  E