
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The mastrodatti (from the Latin Magister actorum ) was originally an official in the bureaucracy of the Kingdom of Naples who was responsible for the creation and storage of public and private documents.

He was present in every local court and in every Università . He later also took on judicial functions to investigate the complaints in advance and to collect the information necessary for the decision of the judge or the Balivo .

The office of mastrodattia was usually exercised by a notary, but especially in the smaller communities also by “hairdressers, tailors, shoemakers”. The office was awarded by public auction to private individuals who remained in office for a maximum of four years, but who did not have to be resident at the Università.


  1. ^ Raffaele Macina: Viaggio nel Settecento . EDIZIONI NUOVI ORIENTAMENTI, Arti grafiche Ariete, Modugno 1998, p. 52 (Italian).
  2. ^ L'amministrazione della giustizia in Morra tra XVII e XVIII secolo . S. 7 (Italian).
  3. GM Galanti: Della descrizione geografica e politica delle Sicilie . S. 177 (Italian).
  4. A. De Sariis: Codice delle leggi del Regno di Napoli . S. 370 (Italian).