Mathematical cartography

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Mathematical cartography is used as a collective term for map design theory and other mathematical methods of cartography . In specialist literature from the former Eastern Bloc, the term exclusively means map network design theory.


  • Bollmann, Jürgen; Koch, Wolf Günther (ed.): Lexicon of cartography and geomatics . Heidelberg: Spectrum Academic Publishing House, 2001–2002. ISBN 3-8274-1055-X (vol. 1), ISBN 3-8274-1056-8 (vol. 2)
  • Hake, Günter; Grünreich, Dietmar; Meng, Liqiu: Cartography: Visualization of space-time information . 8., completely reworked. and exp. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2002. ( De Gruyter textbook ) ISBN 3-11-016404-3

See also