Mathilde Pomès

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Mathilde Pomès (born May 18, 1886 in Lescurry , Hautes-Pyrénées department , † 1977 ) was a French poet, Romance writer , Hispanicist and translator.

life and work

Mathilde Pomès studied in Paris and Madrid. In 1916 she was the first woman to pass the Agrégation d'espagnol. From 1914 to 1941 she was first a high school teacher in Paris, then she taught at the École libre des sciences politiques . From 1954 to 1959 she taught at the Sorbonne.

Mathilde Pomès has translated numerous literary texts from Spanish into French. She published several collections of her own poems.

Mathilde Pomès knew many of the great authors of her time personally, both French (including Gide, Valéry, Montherlant) and Hispanophones (including Unamuno).

Works (Romance Studies)

  • Deux aspects de Montherlant , Paris 1934
  • (Ed. With Léon Kochnitzky) Le Baroque américain, in: La Renaissance 10-12, 1936
  • Dictionnaire français-espagnol. Dictionnaire espagnol-français , Paris 1947 (Hatier publishing house)
  • A Rome avec Montherlant , Paris 1951
  • (Ed.) Anthologie de la poésie espagnole , Paris 1957
  • (Ed.) Gabriela Mistral , Paris 1963


  • Dictionnaire national des contemporains , ed. by Nathan Imbert, Vol. 1, Paris 1939 sv (with picture)
  • Paulette Patout, In Memoriam Mathilde Pomès, in: Cahiers du monde hispanique et luso-brésilien 29, 1977, 307-309
  • Marie-Lise Gazarian-Gautier, Mathilde Pomès, la gran dama con el corazón siempre joven, in: Revista de la Universidad Complutense 108, 1977, pp. 113-118
  • Homenaje a Mathilde Pomès. Estudios sobre literatura del siglo XX , Madrid 1978 (with list of publications)
  • Patrimoine littéraire européen. Index Général , ed. by Jean-Claude Polet, Brussels 2000, pp. 521-522 (biographical note)
  • Herminia Carrara Motto, Mathilde Pomès et son oeuvre , Thèse de 3e Cycle, Nantes 1985

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