Me'ila (mixed natractate)

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Me'ila tract מַסֶּכֶת מְעִילָה Masechet Me'ila comes from the word (מַסֶּכֶת"Misappropriation", "seizing" [on the sanctified]) and is a treatise from the Mishnah in the order of Kodaschimסֵדֶר קָדָשִׁים(Holy things) . This Mishnah tractate refers to the Torah passages Leviticus 5:15 ff. And Numbers 5: 6-8. The treatise Me'iela only contains Gemara (rabbinical commentaries on minschna) in the Babylonian Talmud and consists of 22 folia . The treatise is not included in the Jerusalem Talmud.

The treatise is divided into six chapters. It treats u. a. Provisions for misappropriating temple sanctuary property . For example, deliberately committed offenses were punished with flagellation . If the perpetrator had not committed the offense intentionally, a temple victim replaced the flagellation . Any unlawful use of sacred property was regarded as embezzlement as soon as the damage amounted to at least the value of the ancient Judean coin unit of Perutah .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ David Hoffmann: Mischnajot. The six orders of the Mishnah . Part V, Order, Kadashim translated and explained by John Cohn. 3. Edition. Victor Goldschmidt Verlag, Basel 1986, p. 411 f.
  2. Dr. Judah Lion Palache: Inleiding in de Talmoed . Haarlem 1954, p. 54.
  3. Rabbijn mr.drs. R. Evers: Talmoedic thinking . Amphora Books, Amsterdam 1999, p. 205.