Media criticism (media education)

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Media criticism is an area of ​​responsibility of media education , but it cannot be limited to the educational area. Hans-Dieter Kübler distinguishes between the following fields of media criticism : journalistic-professional media criticism; institutional, routine media criticism or media control; everyday media criticism; educational media criticism.

On the one hand, educational media criticism is about addressing and analyzing problematic technological and economic, communicative-cultural and political media developments in the context of educational action and acquiring quality-related structural knowledge about media. Educational media criticism also intends a self-reflective examination of one's own media use as well as ethical reflection in the sense of socially responsible media behavior in society.

Basic historical directions

From a historical perspective, the following basic directions of pedagogically motivated media criticism can be distinguished:

  • The conservation-pedagogical criticism of media is an essential part of a conservation-pedagogical media education. The main aim is to preserve and protect adolescents from the feared negative media influences. The pedagogical media criticism was in the foreground until the late 1960s and is constantly experiencing an upswing, particularly in the case of drastic technological media innovations.
  • The critical examination of the “ culture industry ” in the 1960s and 1970s also promoted media criticism as social criticism in education. The focus was no longer on preservation, but on the active and critical examination of social and media domination relationships (“mass fraud”, “manipulation”) in connection with the promotion of critical-emancipatory thinking. The weaknesses of this approach were particularly evident in media-centered impact analyzes and a lack of practical relevance to the media experience of children and young people.
  • In the context of action-oriented media education since the 1980s / 1990s, educational media criticism made a decisive step towards dealing with problematic media developments with children, young people and adults in an everyday and practical way and promoting media skills in the context of active media work. With this approach, educational media criticism has the opportunity to promote reflection on media action and the acquisition of media-critical knowledge through an action-related, deeper understanding of media expression possibilities and the creation of one's own publics on self-selected topics.

Media criticism and digitization

In connection with digitization , new challenges, problem areas and tasks for educational media criticism arose. The anthology "Media Criticism in the Digital Age" ( Horst Niesyto / Heinz Moser 2018), which goes back to a symposium of the same name, presents different concepts of educational media criticism. These concepts range from development-oriented, socio-aesthetic and technical-critical to system, discourse and power theory considerations. Topics related to educational media criticism etc. a. important are: big data and data criticism, filter bubbles and social bots, digital capitalism and commercialization of living environments, artificial intelligence and deep learning, media criticism and value education, media criticism and media ethics, media criticism as part of political and cultural education, digital citizenship, criticism as cultural hacking, Media criticism and gender aspects, makerspace projects for a better understanding and reflection of algorithmic processes.

In pedagogical fields of action, media education relies on everyday and practical concepts that promote media-critical reflections from the mode of production and the practical examination of the media, e.g. B. the creation of film and computer game reviews, perception formation in self-created media productions, source criticism and contextualization of information, data criticism and informational self-determination in the case of self-portrayals on the Internet, workshops on data protection and cyberbullying.

When promoting skills in media criticism, particular attention should be paid to age and milieu-related differences. So different Sonja Ganguin and Uwe Sander various stages of development: the acquisition phase, the critical phase and maturation phase. The action and development-oriented approach of Gerhard Tulodziecki and Silke Grafe also emphasizes development phases based on the step models for the cognitive and social-moral development of Piaget and Kohlberg. Other authors point out the relevance of emotional and socio-aesthetic dimensions as well as sociocultural specifics when reflecting on media actions. With reference to concepts for digital citizenship, Heinz Moser develops the dimensions of analysis, reflection and action as a perspective for a critical exploration and evaluation of digital media developments.

Questions also arise about a changing subject area of ​​educational media criticism against the background of digital change (including new public structures, technical criticism), about the development and justification of normative criteria for media criticism in educational contexts and about starting points for reformulating a critical media and social analysis (Keywords: dehumanization through digitization processes, digital data and data criticism, digital capitalism).

In media education research, there are individual empirical studies on the ability of adolescents to criticize media and on forms of excessive use of the Internet by adolescents. With a view to pedagogical practice, a. the task of the empirical investigation of educational activities on the subject of media criticism in various fields of action. Here research is still largely in its infancy.

Educational media criticism also relates to various related disciplines, in particular media studies , communication studies , media ethics , media and technology sociology and media psychology . At the same time, the educational media criticism emphasizes that structural framework conditions in the political arena must be significantly improved. These include a. further legal regulations in the areas of data protection and informational self-determination to take action against massive data misuse. For a broad-based and sustainable promotion of media criticism and media competence in educational fields of action, infrastructural measures at federal, state and university level must be expanded considerably in order to train media educational specialists and to guarantee basic media training for all educational specialists.

Basic literature

  • Sonja Ganguin, Uwe Sander: On the development of media criticism. In: Friederike von Gross, Dorothee M. Meister, Uwe Sander (eds.): Media education - an overview. Beltz Juventa, Weinheim and Basel 2015, pp. 229–246.
  • Horst Niesyto: media criticism. In: Bernd Schorb, Anja Hartung-Griemberg, Christine Dallmann (Eds.): Basic concepts of media education. Kopaed, Munich 2017, pp. 266–272.
  • Horst Niesyto, Heinz Moser (ed.): Media criticism in the digital age . Series of publications on media education interdisciplinary, volume 11. Kopaed, Munich 2018.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Kübler-Hans-Dieter: Back to the 'critical recipient'? Tasks and limits of educational media criticism. In: Horst Niesyto, Matthias Rath, Hubert Sowa (eds.): Media criticism today. Basics, examples and fields of practice. Kopaed, Munich 2006, pp. 17–52.
  2. Horst Niesyto: media criticism. In: Bernd Schorb, Anja Hartung-Griemberg, Christine Dallmann (Eds.): Basic concepts of media education. Kopaed, Munich 2017, pp. 266–272.
  3. See also Dieter Baacke: Medienpädagogik. Niemeyer, Tübingen 1997 p. 98.
  4. On the criticism of conservation-pedagogical concepts see Stefan Aufenanger: Media Panics - on the rhetoric of conservation-pedagogical positions in the media. In: Ulla Autenrieth, Daniel Klug, Axel Schmidt, Arnulf Deppermann (eds.): Media as everyday life. Festschrift for Klaus Neumann-Braun. Herbert von Halem, Cologne 2018 pp. 462–482.
  5. cf. various articles in Horst Niesyto, Heinz Moser (ed.): Media criticism in the digital age. Publication series media education interdisciplinary, Volume 11, Kopaed, Munich 2018.
  6. Sonja Ganguin, Uwe Sander: On the development of media criticism. In: Friederike von Gross, Dorothee M. Meister, Uwe Sander (eds.): Media education - an overview. Beltz Juventa, Weinheim and Basel 2015, pp. 229–246.
  7. ^ Gerhard Tulodziecki, Silke Grafe: Media criticism in view of digitization and mediatization from an action and development-oriented perspective. In: Horst Niesyto, Heinz Moser (ed.): Media criticism in the digital age. Kopaed, Munich 2018, pp. 125–137.
  8. Cf. Niels Brüggen: Media appropriation and aesthetic value judgments: On the meaning of the judgment 'I like it!' in theory, research and practice of media education. Media Education Series 22nd Kopaed, Munich 2018.
  9. Horst Niesyto: media criticism. In: Bernd Schorb, Anja Hartung-Griemberg, Christine Dallmann (Eds.): Basic concepts of media education. Kopaed, Munich 2017, pp. 266–272.
  10. ^ Heinz Moser: Introduction to media education. Growing up in the digital age. 6th edition. Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2019, pp. 22-27.
  11. ^ Franz Josef Röll: Public in post-democratic societies. In: Horst Niesyto, Heinz Moser (ed.): Media criticism in the digital age. Kopaed, Munich 2018, pp. 33–44.
  12. Thomas Knaus: criticism of technology and personal responsibility. Plea for an expanded understanding of media criticism. In: Horst Niesyto, Heinz Moser (ed.): Media criticism in the digital age. Kopaed, Munich 2018, pp. 91-107.
  13. Dieter Spanhel: media criticism from an educational perspective. Criticism of the media conditions of growing up of our children and adolescents. In: Horst Niesyto, Heinz Moser (ed.): Media criticism in the digital age. Kopaed, Munich 2018, pp. 109–123.
  14. Thomas Damberger: Anti God. To the exclusion of the human in the digital age. 2019,
  15. Valentin Dander: Medienpädagogik in the light / shadow in digital data. 2017,
  16. Horst Niesyto: Media Education and Digital Capitalism. To strengthen a perspective that is critical of society and the media. 2017,
  17. Klaus Peter Treumann, Dorothee M. Meister, Uwe Sander, Eckhard Burkatzki, Jörg Hagedorn, Manuela Kämmerer, Mareike Strotmann, Claudia Wegener: Medienhandeln Jugendlicher. Media use and media literacy. Bielefeld media competence model. Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2007, there pp. 645-669.
  18. Lutz Wartberg, Levente Kriston, Matthias Zieglmeier, Tania Lincoln, Rudolf Kammerl: A longitudinal study on psychosocial causes and consequences of Internet gaming disorder in adolescence. In: Psychological Medicine. 2018, pp. 1–8.
  19. Sandra Aßmann, Niels Brüggen, Valentin Dander, Harald Gapski, Gerda Sieben, Angela Tillmann, Isabel Zorn: Digital data collection and processing as a challenge for media education and society. A media educational discussion paper on big data and data analytics. In: Marion Brüggemann, Thomas Knaus, Dorothee M. Meister (eds.): Communication cultures in digital worlds. Kopaed, Munich 2016, pp. 131–142.
  20. DGfE Media Education Section: Orientation framework for the development of curricula for media education courses and study components. 2017,
  21. ^ Initiative “No education without the media!”: Basic media education for all educational professionals. 2018,