Media neglect

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Media neglect is a catchphrase coined by the criminologist Christian Pfeiffer in 2002, which refers to the negative consequences of an uncritical and uncontrolled use and consumption of media such as television , videos , the Internet , computer games and mobile phones, especially among young people.

In the state of media neglect, the dominant leisure activities are watching violence and action films as well as the use of PC games with content that is harmful to young people. Responsible for this are among other things media makers who suggest wrong values ​​to the population in their programming and content selection , but also parents who allow their children to use media freely and without reflection . School failure and juvenile delinquency are listed as direct consequences of media neglect, especially among young people.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ KFN : New protagonists of media criticism ( Memento from February 19, 2008 in the Internet Archive ). Christian Pfeiffer on media neglect.
  2. KFN : soFid - Social Science Specialized Information Service 01/2007 Youth Research. Retrieved April 8, 2015 .