Multi-lens camera

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In contrast to conventional cameras, multi- lens cameras have several lenses .

Two-lens reflex cameras , mostly designed for use with roll film , have one lens for viewing the subject and a second for exposing the film. Advantages compared to SLR cameras (Single Lens Reflex): Quiet and vibration-free recording, as there is no folding mirror. Disadvantage: larger because two lenses are needed, interchangeable lenses are only possible to a limited extent, parallax errors when taking close-ups.

Rolleicord two-lens camera, ca.1960

Stereo cameras have 2 lenses, which are usually attached at a distance between the eyes and allow the recording of stereoscopic images .

Special cameras for creating lenticular images usually have four lenses attached next to each other.

There are also cameras with 4 lenses that allow you to take 4 passport photos at the same time.