Mei Moses Fine Art Index

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The Mei Moses Fine Art Index is an index that builds on long-term data on art purchases and sales and measures annual returns. It was developed by Jiangping Mei and Michael Moses , both professors at the Stern School of Business at New York University . The index construction is based on the fact that the original selling price of a certain valuable painting (masterpiece) is compared with the later resale price at Christie's or Sotheby's and the annual return is determined from the difference . About 9,000 such recurring sales of individual paintings have been merged into the original index.

In 2016 the auction house Sotheby's acquired the Mei Moses Fine Art Index with a database that now includes 45,000 objects and connects buyers and sellers.

According to Handelsblatt , it offers "as one of the leading quantitative sources of information [...] one of the few stable bases for comparison of the otherwise opaque art market ". For the leading auction house Sotheby's he is “The Preeminent Measure of the Art Market”.


  • Jiangping Mei, Michael Moses: Art as Investment and the Underperformance of Masterpieces: Evidence from 1875-2002 . In: American Economic Review. 2002, Volume 92, Number 5, pp. 1656-1668.
  • Sotheby's on course for expansion . In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung [2]

See also

Individual proof

  1. Neue Zürcher Zeitung on December 17, 2016 [1]
  2. Handelsblatt of November 4, 2016 .
  3. Sotheby's: The Preeminent Measure of the Art Market