Mei Saade

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Mei Saade is a dialect written in the Ore Mountains dialect.

City song Sayda


Mei Saade (Mein Sayda) is the unofficial town song of the town of Sayda . The lyrics appeared for the first time on the song postcards that were very popular at the time and were distributed by the Max Wagner publishing house. The origin can be classified between 1905 and 1920. The tune "Wu de forests haamlich rushing in 1905 listen ? / I " took over the unknown author of Anton Günther (folk poet) , who is also the inventor of the song postcards. Audio file / audio sample

song lyrics

Far oops in the Aerzgebärge,
jewelry unclean, shining unclean, thrones - towns
on the heights of
Schu - many a Gahrhunnert long.
It's my hometown, my Saade,
Dos holds
my heart captive, May fate throw me
far out in the world.

Sayda train station

There is a peaceful
railway going up to the town,
Climbing gently and hiring,
But firmly 'n mountain up',
Unnerwegens, there is more often
Mol a little stay,
that mer'n Mog'nei can strengthen with a
schnapps, if it's cold.

The Städtel
Fei looks quite reputable at the railway hoof .
Look near it: The water sleeve
And the bureaucrat burnt ! And
the neie
pavement, how it was done!
Un want obnds d'r moon net shine,
Zind mer a electric light.

Sayda water tower

Seek your heart for peace,
go into unnatural forests,
quiet benches by the dark spruce invite
you to sit down. And
then with the quiet rustling,
with which seemed to be bird song.
Thou consolation never moves into the rent.
If your heart were still afraid.

If the winter comes slumbering
Un arguing out of his sack full of snow,
Thu goes lus' with tobogganing
Un there is some loud Guchhe!
Who'er hot the snowshoe straps quickly
on the boots well,
Be the boards change,
go with a barrel dust aa.

Su in the summer, like in winter,
is a Läbn do like never before.
And I sing with loud cheers:
Unner Saade is too hot! Oh well, in an unnatural
Aa de Leite, that is good,
brave and staid un rentable,
real angry blood!

Standard German translation

Far high up in the Ore Mountains,
neat and clean, beautiful and shiny,
a city on the heights
has been enthroned for many centuries.
It is my hometown, my Sayda,
that holds my heart captive,
may fate lead me
far out into this world.

It goes up to the city quite peacefully
with a small train,
climbs gently and comfortably,
but firmly up the mountain,
on the way, there is often a short
and whoever wants can fortify themselves
with a schnapps when it is really cold.

city already looks respectable at the train station .
Just look: the water tower and the officials' house!
And the new pavement
as they have aligned.
And if the moon doesn't want to shine in the evening, we ignite the electric light.

If your heart is looking for a real peace, go into our forests, quiet benches at the edge of the forest
invite you to sit.
And then with the faint rustling,
with the beautiful birdsong.
Then comfort draws into the mind. Even if your heart were so afraid.

When winter comes glorified
and spreads its sack full of
then it goes off with a toboggan
and there are many loud cheers!
Whoever straps their snowshoes
quickly onto their boots,
If the skis are too expensive,
a barrel stave is also possible.

In summer as in winter there
is life like never before.
And I sing with great joy:
Our Sayda is too beautiful!
But not only our region,
also the people, they are good,
brave and honest and comfortable,
real Erzgebirge blood!

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Verlag Max Wagner, bookbinding and paper shop, Sayda i. Ore Mountains