Master of the art of binding

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Meister der Einbandkunst (MDE for short) is the name of an association of bookbinders for artistic handbinding, which was founded in 1923 and is based in Aachen .


The association was a spin-off of the Jakob Krauße Association of German Art Bookbinders, founded in Leipzig in 1912 . The founding members included a. Otto Dorfner , Otto Pfaff , Franz Weisse and Ignatz Wiemeler .

The MDE very soon outstripped the Jakob Krauße Bund, which still existed until 1931, in terms of membership. In 1937, the MDE was forced to dissolve itself because it did not want to bow to National Socialist conformity . On June 8, 1951, it was re-established. Since 1964 the MDE has had the suffix “International Association”.


The University and State Library of Münster has been looking after the archive since 1976, which in addition to files, photos, letters, etc. has a collection of specialist books. The collection of handbinds belonging to the archive is particularly valuable.

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