Master of the Grotesque Vase

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As a master of the grotesque Vase ( ital. Maestro del vaso grottesco ) two or more unnamed Italian painters are called, which in the late 16th or early 17th century, a series of still lifes painted by flower-filled vases.


After their depiction of ornate vases, art history gave these anonymous painters their emergency names . In art, grotesque vases are used to describe vases painted with ornaments in the ancient Hellenistic-Roman style. "Grotesque" refers to a type of decoration of vessels with ornamental painting, which from the Renaissance in Italy imitated the ancient forms found in excavations and worked in particular with stylized tendrils containing flowers and fruits as well as landscapes with mythical creatures and mythological scenes.


The painting style of the masters of the grotesque vase belongs to a marginal area of ​​painting of their time, in which a bouquet of flowers was always placed in a vase according to almost the same compositional scheme. In Mannerist style, the vase imitates the shapes of well-known Italian artisans. It is assumed that the painter of the vase and the painter of flowers were usually two different people, as the painting style of the two motifs always seems slightly different. It can therefore be assumed that two or more painters worked together on the pictures in a workshop .

Like the Baroque master of the Acquavella still lifes before , the still lifes with grotesque vases can be seen as representatives of the “natura morta”, this style epoch that used baroque symbolic language to refer to the transience of being, the memento mori .

Works (selection)

Most of the more than a dozen works by the masters are privately owned. There are under the attribution Masters of the Grotesque Vase z. B. to find the following pictures. Among them are some pictures that were assigned to an "anonymous Piedmontese or Lombard artist" before being included in the master's catalog:

  • Still life with flowers in a vase with grotesque motifs on a pedestal (private property)
  • Still life with flowers in a vase on a pedestal (private property)
  • A vase of flowers ( National Gallery of Slovenia, Ljubljana)
  • Flowers in gilded vases with grotesque motifs (In the possession of the Basilica of Superga)
  • Still life with a garland of flowers (private collection)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A. Veca: Paradeisos, Dall'universo del fiore . Bergamo 1982, p. 213, pp. 306-311
  2. s. E. Rosen: Grotesk In: K. Barck (Hrsg.): Aesthetic basic concepts: Historical dictionary in seven volumes. Stuttgart / Weimar 2001, Vol. 2, 876-900
  3. cf. A. Cottino, “Le Origini e lo sviluppo della natura morta barocca a Roma”, Natura morta italiana tra Cinquecento e Settecento. In: M. Gregori et. al: Stille Welt Electa 2002, pp. 351-352
  4. M. Natale: La natura morta in Lombardi, in F. Zeri (ed.): La Natura Morta in Italia vol. I, Milan 1989, pp. 206-207
  5. ^ F. Solinas: Fiori. Cinque secoli di pittura floreale, Biella 2004, No. 12/13, pp. 51/52


  • A. Veca: Paradeisos, Dall'universo del fiore . Bergamo 1982
  • MIFAS The Milano International Antiques Show (Ed.): The Milano International Antiques Show 2002 . (Exhibition catalog) Milan 2002