Master of Jacques de Besançon

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Master of Jacques de Besançon: Root Jesse, illumination from the Legenda Aurea, manuscript, France around 1480

As a master of Jacques de Besancon ( Fri Maître de Jacques de Besançon) is a late medieval French book painter called, who was active from about 1480 and the 1500th


The name of the master of Jacques de Besançon is not known and probably had his workshop in Paris . He received his emergency name after an entry in a book of hours that identifies this manuscript as a gift to the church by an illuminator named Jacques de Besançon. The book contains a miniature that the master painted. It cannot be convincingly proven that Jacques de Besançon himself is the painter of this miniature, which is why the artist is given the emergency name Master “des” Jacques de Besançon and not, for example, Master Jacques de Besançon.

According to current knowledge from 2014, it could be François Le Barbier the Younger, whose year of death is given as 1501.

Stylistic relationships

The master of Jacques de Besançon orients himself to the taste of his wealthy clients in Paris. His style shows kinship with that of another contemporary illuminator in Paris, the also unknown master of Robert Gaguin . Both of them worked for the publisher Anthoine Vérard, who ran a successful book publisher and bookshop in Paris.

Works (selection)

The master of Jacques de Besançon contributed illuminations to the following manuscripts:

  • Book of Hours , Paris, Bibliothèque Mazarine, ms. 461, f. 9
  • Book of hours , Paris, private collection
  • Legenda aurea ( from the possession of Catherine de Coëtivy ), Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Bib. Nat. ms. fr. 245
  • Greek Lectionary of Cardinal Archbishop Charles de Bourbon , Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Bib. Nat. ms. size 55
  • Book of Hours (Angers) , London, British Library, Egerton 1068 (from the workshop of the master)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Book of Hours, Paris, Bibliothèque Mazarine, ms. 461, f. 9.
  2. ^ François Avril, Nicole Reynaud: Les manuscrits à peintures en France 1440-1520 (exhibition catalog). Paris 1993, p. 256 ff.
  3. ^ Ina Nettekoven: Master of Jacques de Besançon. In: General Artist Lexicon - International Artist Database - Online. Andreas Beyer, Bénédicte Savoy, Wolf Tegethoff, accessed on January 14, 2020 .
  4. Fa. Livres, Manuscrits et Autographes F. Tajan (ed.): Livres et Manuscrits du XVeme au XVIeme siècle , sales catalog December 2004. Paris 2004
  5. ^ British Library: Catalog of Illuminated Manuscripts (online edition) Entry Egerton 1068 , accessed July 2011


  • Antiquariat Heribert Tenschert, Eberhard König (Ed.): Shining Middle Ages V. Psalter and Book of Hours in France from the 13th to the 16th century. Catalog XXX . Rotthalmünster 1993
  • François Avril, Nicole Reynaud: Les manuscrits à peintures en France 1440-1520 . (Exhibition catalog) Paris 1993, p. 256ff.
  • Nicekoven, Ina; Zöhl, Caroline (Ed.): The Hearst Book of Hours . Cologne 2016
  • Paul Durrieu: Un grand enlumineur parisien au XVe siècle; Jacques de Besançon, et son œuvre . Paris 1892