Master of Robert Gaguin

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As a master of Robert Gaguin one is medieval illuminators referred to the 1485/1495 probably in Paris worked in France. The artist, who is not known by name, was given his emergency name after a work he illuminated . This is a copy of the translation of Caesar's Gallic War in French by the French humanist and philosopher Robert Gaguin . One of the miniatures painted in it shows the handover of the book to King Charles VIII. Today the work is privately owned.

Stylistic relationships

The style of the master of Robert Gaguin is closely related to that of other contemporary illuminators and their workshops in Paris. So he shows z. B. Relationship with the style of the Master of the Apocalypsenrose or that of the Master of Jacques de Besançon . Like the latter, the master of Robert Gaguin illustrated individual printed books for the successful publisher Anthoine Vérard.

Works (selection)

The master of Robert Gaguin illustrated mainly secular works. U. a. Illustrations assigned to the following works:

  • Commentaires de Jules Cesar, de la guerre de Gaule. Traduits by fire Robert Gaguin . Privately owned
  • Lacncelot . Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Rés. Véllins 617
  • Le Jouvenal . Privately owned
  • Le Recueil des histories troiennes . Chantilly MC 1080
  • L'Ordinaire des crestiens . Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Rés. Véllins 357
  • Virgil commentary by Servius , Dijon, BM - ms. 0493

Individual evidence

  1. ^ F. Avril, N. Reynaud: Les manuscrits à peintures en France 1440–1520 , (exhibition catalog 1993). Flammarion, Paris 1993, pp. 262-264
  2. H. Tenschert (Ed.): Leuchtendes Mittelalter 6 44 manuscripts from the 14th to the early 17th century from France, Flanders, England, Spain, the Netherlands, Italy and Germany: Catalog 31 . Antiquariat Tenschert, Rotthalmünster 1993, No. 35
  3. I. Nettekoven: The master of the apocalypse rose of the Sainte Chapelle and the Parisian book art around 1500 . (Ars Nova 9), Brepols Verlag NV, Turnhout: 2005