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Meranthium or partial flower , is the name for a possible pollination biological unit of the seed plants , if it represents only part of the morphological unit of the flower .

There are three basic forms: Meranthium, Pseudanthium and Euanthium; (Flower = anthium). In the case of the Meranthium, a flower consists of several individual flowers. While in the typical single flower, the euanthium, a flower consists of one flower and in the pseudanthium, a flower consists of several flowers.

Then there is the exanthium , which denotes the outer calyx .

The representatives of the genus Iris ( irises ) are an example . One flower corresponds to three pollination biological units (lip flowers).

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Individual evidence

  1. Fr. Elsener, H. Böttger: Guide to preparing for the pharmacist assistant examination. 3rd edition, Springer, 1886, ISBN 978-3-642-98706-9 (reprint), p. 297.