Meri (high priest of Amun)

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Meri (Mery) in hieroglyphics
mr i i

The Popular

Meri (also Mery ) was the ancient Egyptian high priest of Amun under King Amenophis II in the 18th dynasty. He was the son of the Min priest Nebpehtire and the Hunay. His wife was named Dy. Meri is mainly known from his tombs in Thebes . TT95 seems to have been his original grave, while TT84 was at least partially usurped and originally belonged to the head of the gate guard, Imunedjeh.


  • Morris L. Bierbrier: Meri , In: Lexikon der Ägyptologie IV, Wiesbaden 1982, pp. 93-94 ISBN 3-447-02262-0