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Merusavarnas ( Sanskrit मेरुसावर्ण merusāvarṇa ) is a name for a group of manus in Indian mythology . This group includes the eighth Manu, Daksha-savarni , and the following three, namely Brahma-savarni , Dharma-savarni and Rudra-savarni . According to others, all following up to Manu 14 belong to this group.

They are said to be the spirit-born children of a daughter of Daksha with this and the corresponding three other gods Brahma , Dharma and Rudra . The name refers to the place of procreation, the world mountain Meru , savarni means according to one interpretation "of good origin" (literally "color"). According to another interpretation, it is a metronym related to the eighth manu , who was a child of the sun and Suvarna ( suvarṇā ). The name was then carried over to the following four manus.
