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The Preßler Messknecht is a historical measuring device for height measurement , for measuring other sizes and a conversion table, invented by Max Preßler .

It consists of a cardboard table that can be folded to form a physical corner, provided with different divisions ( degree , sine , cosine, tangent ), to which a thin thread is attached centrally , so that when aiming along an edge, the relevant readings are taken as with freehand instruments for height measurement can be. The device is useful for approximate measurements. Mathematical, physical, mechanical, forestry and agricultural etc. figures in tabular form for conversion complete the measuring device.

The measurement servant could also be used for further measurements, for example as a sundial, as a time measurement servant .

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  • Otto Lueger: Lexicon of the entire technology and its auxiliary sciences , Vol. 6, Stuttgart, Leipzig 1908, p. 381 ( Messknecht on ).
  • Maximilian Robert Pressler: The measurer: an extremely simple, dangerous, cheap and multifaceted measuring and calculation instrument for the needs of forest officials, forest owners, farmers, [...]. With 49 woodcuts imprinted in the text and a special board mounted on cardboard and calico in a case, showing the instrument fully prepared for practical use . Braunschweig: Vieweg 1852.
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