Schnettler method

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The Schnettler method is a company valuation method . It is used to evaluate low-yield or so-called. "Unprofitable" companies whose future earnings adequate return on the asset value expected leave.

These companies generate accounting losses, which arise primarily from depreciation of property , plant and equipment . In the event of the acquisition of this company, these high depreciations would not apply, as the intended purchaser would only account for the acquired assets at the proportionate acquisition costs . As a consequence of this consideration, the expected savings in depreciation after an acquisition increase the sustainably achievable earnings surplus, the earnings value of which represents the company value.


  • Schnettler, Evaluation of Enterprises, 1948
  • Schnettler, Treatment of Positive and Negative Business Values, 1961

Individual evidence

  1. Manfred Jürgen Matschke, Gerrit Brösel: Company Valuation, Gabler 2005, ISBN 978-3834900128 , there pp. 520-521.