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MicroOS (MOS) is a FreeDOS -based " operating system " for x86 computers. It is saved on a floppy disk from which it is also booted . Installation on a hard drive is not yet possible. MOS is designed as a "retro system" and as such is very similar to MS-DOS . Some DOS programs also run under MOS.

The first version was published on August 24, 2003, at that time it was a minimalist copy of COMMAND.COM with a few freeware tools. The whole thing had to be built into an existing DOS system.

About a month later, on September 25, 2003, MicroOS 2.0 was published: The system tools were partially removed or changed, a simple BASIC interpreter (MBasic: Micro Basic) was added, a hex editor , a new editor, the boot sound was removed, the The boot logo was changed, an autoexec (mosstart.bat) was added, a VMDOS.SYS (DOS support based on the FreeDOS kernel), a calendar, a computer, NTFS support, a new drawing program and a CD player.

After a long break, MicroOS was further developed, since then there are two variants: On the one hand MOS 2.1, which is optimized for speed and does not contain a graphical user interface ( GUI ), on the other hand MOS X, which contains the “Workspace Manager”, a GEM- based one primitive GUI.

In 2004 the further development of the system was stopped for the time being, but resumed in October of the same year with the announcement of MicroOS 3.0 fusion, code name “Berlin”. Since the system had become too big for two developers, development was canceled again. At the beginning of 2005 it was decided to reprogram the whole system from scratch. The development of MicroOS Jewel, the next MicroOS generation, started in March / April 2005; a first beta version has been available since June 25, 2005. This is again a kind of FreeDOS distribution with additional command line tools developed by the developers (who have renamed themselves from Megadrive to Plexinola Group) such as: B. a file manager. A GEM version is also planned for future releases.

Since 2006 the further development has stopped and the Plexinola Group does not announce any news.

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