Miguel Moreno

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Miguel Moreno (* 1596 (?) In Villacastín ; † 1655 (?) In Rome ) was a Spanish writer of the Siglo de Oro .


Although he was born in Villacastín, Juan Pérez de Montalbán wrote in Para todos that he was from Madrid . He was a notary at the royal court and secretary to King Philip IV of Spain, and secretary to the Duke of Béjar. He sent him to Rome in an embassy with Fray Domingo Pimentel , Bishop of Cordoba , and Juan Carrillo y Chumacero, to present the famous memorial to the Pope about the excesses that had been committed against the Spaniards there. It is quite possible that he wrote this memorial himself. His authorship is certain for two courtly novels, La desdicha en la constancia and El cuerdo amante (1628). His collection of two hundred epigrams Flores de España cultivadas en Roma (1735) appeared posthumously much later .

Individual evidence

  1. https://ddd.uab.cat/record/136987
  2. http://tolosana.univ-toulouse.fr/fr/notice/095190147