Miklós Világhy

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Miklós Világhy (born October 22, 1916 in Szolnok , † February 24, 1980 in Budapest ) was a Hungarian lawyer and member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA).

  • 1937 (until 1949) Hauptministerialrat (Head of Department in the Ministry of Industry: responsible (among other things) for draft laws);
  • 1939 doctorate at the Univ. Budapest;
  • 1942 judge and bar exam;
  • from 1942 judge; 1945 in the Ministry of Justice and
  • from 1945 in the Ministry of Industry;
  • 1949–53 worked as a department head in the Secretariat of the Economics Council;
  • since 1949 lecturer for labor and citizens. Law;
  • since 1953 full Professor;
  • 1953–56 Dean of the jurist. Faculty;
  • 1956–57 Scientific Rector of the University;
  • 1956–1978 holder of the chair for civil law;
  • 1962–65 deputy scientific Rector of the University;
  • 1953–1956 Dean of the jurist. Faculty; 1956–57 Rector of the Univ. Budapest;
  • from January 1972 member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA).

Miklós Világhy dealt intensively with the connections between business and law. His work had a lasting influence on various areas of civil law (property and property law, copyright and patent law). He played a key role in shaping the Hungarian Civil Code.


  • Az iparvállalatok államosítása. (The nationalization of industrial companies) in collaboration with Bernard Aurél, Budapest 1948.
  • A gazdasági jogproblemémája. (Problems of Business Law), Budapest 1951.
  • A Polgári Törvénykönyv a gyakorlatban. Száz jog set. (The BGB in practice. 100 cases) in collaboration with Benedek Károly, Budapest 1965.
  • Gazdaságpolitika és polgári jog. (Economic Policy and Civil Law), Budapest 1978.

Personal Information

  • Emília Weiss: VM (Egyetemi Lapok (University Writings), 1980. 3. sz.).
  • Asztalos László: VM (Magy. Tud. (Hungarian Science), 1980. 10. sz.).
  • Iparjogvédelmi és Szerzoi Jogi Szemle: 104th ÉVFOLYAM 3rd SZÁM 1999. JÚLIUS: 100 years of the Austrian Patent Office 1899–1999.
  • Endre Lontai: Szellemi alkotások joga. Budapest 2001.
  • Györgyné Boytha: Versenyjogi ismeretek, Kalózkodás és hamisítás. 1998.
  • Gabi Fekete: A magánjog fejlödése Magyarországon. Budapest 2001.
  • Ferenc Petrik: Aki felfedezte a magyar jogban a médiát. Budapest 2001.