Milk box

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Private mailbox with an open milk box in the canton of Ticino

Under milk box (orally in Swiss German also often used with diminutive: "Milchkästli" ) is in Switzerland an additional compartment of the personal mailbox understood. The compartment is larger than that of the mailbox itself and freely accessible (i.e. not provided with a lock). There are also locked parcel boxes for storing larger parcels, especially in multi-family houses.

In the past, the milkman deposited the ordered milk in this compartment. Today the milk crate is mainly used to leave smaller items in the absence of a person. Swiss Post delivers thick letters and small parcels by placing them in the milk box.

In the official language of the Swiss Post, the milk box is referred to as a storage compartment and storage box.

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Individual evidence

  1. Mailbox and parcel box , information page of Swiss Post AG, with a link to the house mailbox factsheet with precise specifications on the size of the mailbox and storage compartment, accessed on January 9, 2017