Milnor-Wood inequality

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In the mathematical field of differential geometry , the Milnor-Wood inequality gives an obstacle to the existence of a flat relationship on a fiber bundle .

Theorems of Milnor and Wood

The classic Milnor-Wood inequality concerns (oriented) flat bundles of circles over a surface , the monodromy of which is given by a homomorphism . A stronger inequality is obtained for linear flat bundles of circles, i.e. with monodromy

Sentence (Milnor): Be a closed , orientable surface of gender . For the Euler class of a linear flat circle bundle over holds


In particular, the tangential bundle of a closed, orientable surface does not have a flat relationship with the sex .

Theorem (Wood): Be a closed, orientable surface of the gender . A flat circular bundle for the Euler class above applies


Milnor's theorem follows from Wood's theorem, because for a representation by means of the 2-fold superposition one gets a representation whose Euler number is exactly half the Euler number of the original representation.

It follows from Goldman's Theorem that the representations with are exactly the most discrete and faithful representations .

Limited cohomology

The Milnor and Wood proofs used estimates for commutators in and . A simpler proof going back to Ghys and Jekel uses bounded cohomology : the universal Euler class in can be represented by a bounded cocycle of norm 1/2.


Higher dimensional bundles

Theorem (Sullivan-Smillie): For the Euler class of a flat -bundle over a closed, orientable manifold the inequality holds

for the Euler class and the simplicial volume .

One says that a manifold of the Milnor-Wood inequality with constant is sufficient if for every flat bundle the inequality

holds for the Euler class and the Euler characteristic . It follows from Milnor's theorem and from a Bucher-Gelander theorem .

Toledo invariant

Let be a Hermitian symmetric space of non-compact type of rank and the Kähler form of the Bergman metric . Then the inequality holds for a continuous mapping of a surface from gender


This inequality can be interpreted as an estimate for the norm of the Kähler class (and thus the Toledo invariant ) in limited cohomology. It generalizes the estimate of the Euler class for .


  • J. Milnor: On the existence of a connection of curvature zero , Comm. Math. Helv. 21, 215-223 (1958)
  • J. Wood: Bundles with totally disconnected structure group , Comm. Math. Helv. 46, 257-273 (1971)
  • W. Goldman: Topological components of spaces of representations , Invent. Math. 93: 557-607 (1988)
  • M. Burger, A. Iozzi, A. Wienhard: Surface group representations with maximal Toledo invariant , Ann. Math. 172, 517-566 (2010)
  • T. Hartnick, A. Ott: Milnor-Wood type inequalities for Higgs bundles, online (PDF)