Low grain

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Rye contaminated with ergot
Mold growth in barley

As a minor cereal lots are from cereal grains referred that do not meet the quality criteria for use as food or feed, because they are contaminated too strong or have moisture damage. Even grain that is too highly contaminated with mold toxins is usually counted as under grain.

Come up

The proportion of low- grain grain and grain contaminated with mold toxins ( Fusarium toxins ) in the total grain harvest is estimated at around 7 percent. This corresponds to around 3 million tons per year in Germany. With the tightening of the quality standards for feed with regard to Fusarium toxins, the number of corresponding non-marketable lots has increased. If the weather is particularly humid during the growing season and during the harvest, the proportion of low-grain cereals increases significantly.


Any residual grain must be disposed of and therefore represents a cost factor if it cannot be used for other purposes.

Because of the decentralized accumulation directly at the farmer's premises and the low market value as well as the non-existent food competition, low- grain grain is considered a particularly suitable input material for grain combustion for decentralized heat generation. Due to the sharp rise in the prices for consumer grain since 2006, low grains and grain clearing (residues from grain cleaning: small and broken grains, husks, weed seeds) are now primarily intended for grain burning.

Small grains cannot be used in ethanol plants and only to a limited extent in biogas plants.


  • Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe eV (FNR): Heating with grain and stalks. Brochure, August 2007 ( PDF document )

Individual evidence

  1. Regulation (EC) No. 856/2005 of the Commission of 6 June 2005 amending Regulation (EC) No. 466/2001 with regard to fusarium toxins ( PDF file ).
  2. Andreas Schütte: Lecture on the specialist seminar Energetic Use of Grain and Alternative Biofuels in Small Firing Plants on June 21, 2007 in Berlin, slide 8. ( Powerpoint file ( Memento of the original from September 24, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link became automatic inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ). @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.fnr-server.de