Mineralogical Society of America

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The Mineralogical Society of America (MSA) is a scientific society specializing in mineralogy , crystallography , geochemistry, and petrology . It was founded in 1919 and represents the USA in international committees on mineralogy. It has been recognized as a non-profit organization since 1959 . The society has members from over 50 countries. The office is in Chantilly, Virginia .

She publishes the American Mineralogist (since 1919), the Reviews in Mineralogy book series (since 1974), the newsletter The Lattice, and is co-editor of Elements: An International Magazine of Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Petrology .

The company includes the special interest groups: Environmental Mineralogy, Mineral Structures, Mineral Surfaces, Pegmatites, Planetary Materials, Teaching Mineralogy, Industrial Mineralogy.

Your most important award is the Roebling Medal . Their annual meeting is in conjunction with that of the Geological Society of America .

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