Minimal genome

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A minimal genome is a genome of an organism that contains only the genetic information that is necessary for life under defined conditions. For production organisms , these are usually supplemented by genes for the production of the targeted products. Minimal genomes represent the basis for the synthetic production of organisms in synthetic biology , with which the efficiency and the spectrum of organisms used biotechnologically should be increased.

The scientifically best known project for the production of a minimal genome is the Mycoplasma laboratory , which is supposed to contain only the essential genes of one Mycoplasma species.

supporting documents

  1. ^ Glass, JI et al. (2006): Essential genes of a minimal bacterium. In: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103 (2): 425-430. PMID 16407165 doi : 10.1073 / pnas.0510013103