Mirella Kuchling

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Mirella Kuchling (* 1969 in Graz ) is an Austrian author , journalist and online editor and lives in Graz.

life and work

Mirella Kuchling studied German philology and history in Graz. In 1996 she received the DDr. Prize scholarship from the Karl-Franzens-University Graz. Her dissertation “Writers in Graz Street Names. An illustrated documentation ”formed the basis for her book“ Literary Walks through Graz ”, published in 2004. As a journalist and later also as an online editor, she worked on various “Capital of Culture 2003” projects. In March 2004 her first literary publication appeared in the magazine DUM (= Das ultimative Magazin; magazine of the Lower Austria Literature House). Her first novel "Frauenzimmer Unmöbliert", published in 2011, became a bestseller in the publishing house. "Partly furnished women 's rooms" followed in 2012, and in the same year Mirella Kuchling read at the Vienna Book Fair. In 2013, “fully furnished women” formed the end of the (initially not planned) trilogy. In 2015 she took part in the 1st Fine Crime Festival in Graz and worked on a total of three anthologies, including the “Literary Locations” and the book “Roofs over Graz”. In 2016 she took part in the 2nd Fine Crime Festival in Graz with “13 x Mord”, a collection of 13 crime stories about murder and manslaughter. She lives in Graz.


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