Mirza Jawan Bakht

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Two of Bahadur Shah's sons: left Mirza Jawan Bakht, right Mirza Shah Abbas

Mirza Jawan Bakht (* 1841 ; † 1884 ) was the favorite son of the last, only nominally ruling Indian Grand Mogul Bahadur Shah II and his wife Zinat Mahal . He was the 15th of 16 sons and was designated heir to the throne at the request of Bahadur Shah . (A primogeniture was largely uncommon in India.) At his court, however, the Grand Mogul's wish found little support.

During the Indian uprising of 1857 , Mirza Jawan Bakht, unlike some of his older half-brothers, did not take an active role. Presumably this happened at the insistence of his mother, who - unlike Bahadur Shah - supported the British. She apparently assumed that the rebellion would be put down and believed that in this way she could secure the line of succession for her son.


  • Ursula Beisinger: The origins of the uprising of 1857 in Oudh . Dissertation Frankfurt am Main 1959.
  • Christopher Hibbert: The great mutiny: India 1857 . Penguin Books, London 1988.
  • Tapti Roy: The politics of a popular uprising: Bundelkhand in 1857 . Oxford University Press, Delhi 1994.