Mise en Place Group

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Mise en Place Group

legal form GmbH
founding 1994
Seat Maastricht
management Charles van Goch
Number of employees 6,000
sales 40 million euros
Branch Gastronomy , personal services
Website www.miseenplace.eu

The Mise en Place Group is a Dutch recruitment agency based in Maastricht . The company was founded in 1994 by Charles van Goch. Mise en Place is an international personnel service provider that specializes in upscale event catering. The company is represented in seven countries with a total of 34 branches. Mise en Place Germany GmbH filed for insolvency at the Aachen District Court, which opened on March 19, 2020.


Initially, Mise en Place Horeca was founded in 1994 as a project office in Maastricht. Initially, staff shortages were in the hotel industry with students from the Hotel - Management compensates -Schule Maastricht, now provides Mise en Place staff at large events, fairs and events. After Mise en Place founded several branches in different cities in the Netherlands, it also expanded abroad and in 2011 was represented in Germany , Belgium , Austria , Spain , Curacao and South Africa . This expansion of the company required internal training courses that train employees in the field of service and prepare them for the events. Subsidiaries were founded to give employees opportunities for advancement. The Mise en Place Group has existed since then. The subsidiaries include Cuise, Event Logistics Solutions (ELS), Special Bar Support (SBS), House of Kent and Staffable. Cuise provides support in the kitchen area, ELS manages logistics, SBS is responsible for the bartender service, House of Kent provides hostesses and Staffable is responsible for payroll and permanent leasing.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Public notice. Retrieved April 9, 2020 .