Follower (accompanying person)

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In addition to the well-known negative meaning ( followers ), people who accompany disadvantaged or inexperienced people on necessary visits to offices are also named.


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The idea arose against the background of the experience that in conflict-ridden contacts between clerks and people who as citizens are dependent on help from the authorities, the presence of a third person alone contributes to de-escalation and helps against unjustified decisions against the interests of the citizen represents. The follower sees himself as the support of the person seeking help. The extent of the commitment determined by himself can range from occasional accompaniments to an extent that is comparable to full-time employment. The legal basis is Germany's § 13 paragraph 4 of the SGB X . There it says: “A participant can appear for negotiations and discussions with an adviser. What has been presented by the adviser is deemed to have been presented by the person involved, unless the latter contradicts immediately. "


An association founded in 2012, Wir Gehen Mit - Die Mitläufer eV, coordinates nationwide so that people who are willing to volunteer to support others at an official appointment can find each other. The focus is on accompanying people to appointments with the employment agency . He offers training for people who want to make themselves available as followers and advises on conflicts that have arisen. Other offers of help are organized regionally, e.g. B. through the association Mensch ist Mensch in the Ruhr areaor the initiative No one has to go to office in Berlin alone .


The activity of the followers does not require a specific professional qualification. The fellow traveler is not a legal advisor . Followers and those seeking advice meet before the upcoming appointment and agree whether the follower should only act as a silent companion or also verbally participate. The followers are required not to do anything that could harm the cause of the person seeking help, but to contribute to de-escalation if necessary. If this is desired, write it down or create a memory log for the person accompanying you after the appointment . It is important to ensure confidentiality and secrecy towards third parties. Reliability and restraint with regard to influencing the companion for political or ideological purposes are mentioned as further important characteristics of the follower.

Individual evidence

  1. Article Escort Service for the Unemployed, taz
  2. Article WAZ
  3. ^ SGB ​​X, § 13
  4. ^ Website of the association We're going with you
  5. ^ Website human is human
  6. ↑ Nobody has to go to office alone , accessed on August 16, 2015