SME relief laws

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The SME Relief Acts (MEG for short) serve to dismantle bureaucratic obstacles in the SME economy .


The first SME relief law MEG I (full title: First law to dismantle bureaucratic obstacles, especially in medium-sized businesses ) was promulgated on August 22, 2006 ( Federal Law Gazette I, p. 1970 ) and came into force on August 26, 2006.


The second SME Relief Act MEG II (full title: Second law to dismantle bureaucratic obstacles, especially in medium-sized businesses ) was promulgated on September 7, 2007 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 2246 ) and came into force on September 14, 2007. It was last amended by Article 11, Paragraph 1 G. of October 30, 2008 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 2130 ).


The third version of the law MEG III (long title: Third law to dismantle bureaucratic obstacles, especially in small and medium-sized businesses ) according to the cabinet resolution of the German Bundestag of July 23, 2008 contains 23 individual measures. These include, among other things, simplifications in the handicraft census, an increase in the tax exemption for corporation tax from 3835 to 5000 euros or the introduction of a second domestic turnover threshold under the law against restraints of competition as well as a bundle of trade-legal relief.

In 2009, the law provides for a reduction in bureaucracy costs totaling at least 97 million euros for companies and at least 8.6 million euros for administration.

The MEG III was announced on March 17, 2009 ( Federal Law Gazette I, p. 550 ) and came into force on March 25, 2009.

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