Mobile performance recording

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Under Mobile power detection means the timekeeping (Time Entry) in connection with the registration of each service provided, for example, in service use . Applications are common for recording process costs in the healthcare sector as well as for billing and proof of performance in trade and industrial services.

The procedure is relevant for employees who are remunerated according to working hours, for example craftsmen or for services that are proven and billed to the client according to time, for example for drivers, carers and other supervisors.

Traditionally, mobile working times were recorded by hand (e.g. on so-called timesheets ). Because of the great effort involved in evaluating the handwritten records and the late availability of the data, these procedures are usually uneconomical and easily challenged under tax law. That is why solutions are increasingly being used that enable the electronic recording of working times.

Mobile time recording is increasingly used not only for the beginning and end of work , but also linked to the fields of activity in services and projects. Every activity can be recorded and electronic logbooks created with sophisticated systems. Subsequent tasks can also be distributed to employees in real time without returning to an administration .

The application is typically outside the company premises. It can also be used in accordance with the rules of the Social Security Code ( SGB ​​X ) in care facilities as well as the rules of the Tax Code (AO) for audit-proof recording. The creation of travel expense reports on the basis of the mobile data and the automated transfer to HR is now offered.


Every solution for the automatic collection of data about the whereabouts of people affects their informational self-determination . In addition to the existing employment contract, the principles of individual consent, co-determination and proportionality apply to the admissibility of such technical solutions in operational use .


It is advantageous that the services provided and the working hours are recorded immediately when they are provided and directly on site. A countersignature by the recipient of the service is possible.

  • The causal and final chain known from the work preparation can be taken into account to support the recording. Nothing is recorded that is not the subject of the order and nothing is forgotten that is included in the order.
  • Spontaneous changes in the actual performance due to current requirements are, as before, recorded quickly and precisely using intelligent menus and taken into account for billing.
  • Due to the recognized spatial-temporal proximity, cost centers and cost units can be correctly related to the work involved, so that correct information on the costs actually incurred is always possible.
  • The recorded data is entered directly into the company's own billing system, which means that there are no longer media breaks with the associated transmission errors. Since the mobile service provider does not exactly remember the times to be specified when subsequently entered, an office worker enters arbitrary values.
  • By linking the automatically recorded times, the automatically recorded locations and the material bookings made manually or semi-automatically by the employee with a reader, high-performance systems are designed in such a way that complex services are offered online during recording, such as working time accounts and travel time and vehicle accounting.
  • In the case of services to patients or to systems, the important information for later clarification of damage cases is available in a court-proof manner.


All technical systems initially require the consent of the employees involved to use the procedure and their goodwill as with the recording of working hours. In particular in mobile use, a fully automatic recording or recording associated with additional requirements and the duty of care for devices is not completely problem-free. Therefore, when choosing a system, user friendliness and the transparency of the system are of great importance for the executing employees as well as for the management level.

Concepts for mobile time recording

  • Offline solutions: The data is first recorded and saved on a mobile data collection device and later transferred to a network in the company via a stationary interface.
  • SMS-based solutions: Bookings are sent from the mobile phone as SMS (Short Message Service) to the time recording system.
  • Internet-based solutions: Bookings are sent from the mobile phone ( GSM ) as a data package over the Internet to a server. The internet-based solution delivers data and times tamper-proof to the server (and not from the recording device). It also offers the option of defining dialogues between the server and the recording device, with which even complex processes can be recorded comfortably.
  • Intranet-based solutions: Bookings are sent from the mobile phone ( WLAN ) as a data package via the local network to a server. The intranet-based solution also delivers authentic data to the server.

Location information of the recorded data

To qualify the electronic records, the working time bookings are also linked to localization data. Location-based services (GSM) or satellite-based solutions (GPS) are used here. In principle, such technical solutions require the express consent of the individual employee and the involvement of the employee representatives and evidence.

Context information of the collected data

In buildings, solutions for recording location data in absolute coordinates are associated with considerable effort and ultimately remain fuzzy. Instead, it makes sense to record the relationship between the service provider and the service recipient.

Verifiability of the collected data

By linking the location data with the bookings, it can be checked whether the employee was at the place of work when the booking was made.

Traceability of the process

For complex process chains, the high time resolution means that chaining of successive tasks can be recorded reliably and correctly. This means that a clear assignment is possible at any time to clarify quality problems.

Data protection requirements

A qualified and technically secure system linkage of the recorded data prevents disclosure to unauthorized persons. Corresponding evidence must show that the requirements of the relevant standards ( ISO 15408 ) are met. This reliably meets the protection requirements of those involved.

More information

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