Module (university)

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A module in bachelor 's and master ' s courses at universities is a teaching unit that consists of one or more courses with a common learning objective. A module usually lasts one or two semesters and should be combined with a maximum of one examination. An examination can be waived in exceptional cases if the desired qualification can be proven otherwise. Furthermore, several modules can be examined together.

There are module descriptions for modules, which are at least

  • the learning objectives
  • the time required including self-study
  • the type of examination

should contain.

Modularized courses of study are intended to enable students to better concentrate on a sub-area and to acquire them in a temporal context. With study achievements differentiated and graded according to modules, more information should be available that show the technical knowledge and skills of university graduates.

Criticism of the modularization

The hoped-for simplification of the recognition of academic achievements when changing universities has not materialized. Before the implementation of the Bologna process and the introduction of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in a master’s or diploma course, for example, an introductory basic course could largely be recognized without any problems at the new university that offered a similar course Recognition today, not only the title of the event with the associated learning content and study achievements play a role, but also the learning effort measured in ECTS credit points. If, for example, the module at the first university has six credit points and only three credit points are provided for a module of the same title at the new university location, the person changing study location usually loses three credit points that cannot be transferred to their new performance account. In the opposite case, in which the module at the new university has a higher learning effort and thus a higher number of credit points, it lacks points for the complete crediting of the course work achieved at its previous university. In this matter, the regulations of the examination regulations of the individual universities must be carefully considered; in addition, the approach (and generosity in recognition) can differ from place to place. At some universities, internally, a generous approach to recognition is recommended for students; however, there is no legal claim to this. It can certainly be argued that the module with the lower number of points achieved a lower penetration of the material and thus does not correlate with the module with the higher credit points; if necessary, the module must be repeated in whole or in part at the new university.

See also

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