Molecular Epidemiology

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The molecular epidemiology is the field of epidemiology , in which findings from the molecular structure of pathogens are obtained for. B. from the DNA sequence or the amino acid sequence .


Molecular epidemiology uses sequence-based data or other typing data of one or more biomarkers to confirm or rule out epidemics , to determine the transmission and routes of infection , the spread, replication and diversity of pathogens. Sources of error in molecular epidemiology are e.g. B. incomplete data acquisition. In some cases, findings from molecular epidemiology can also lead to a change in instructions.

Projects to coordinate knowledge and methods are e.g. B. STROBE and STROME-ID.


In addition to the DNA sequencing and other genotyping methods will, among other things, the RNA-Seq and protein sequencing used.


The term 'molecular epidemiology' was coined in 1973 by ED Kilbourne and refined in 1993.


  • MT Smith, P. Hainaut, F. Perera, PA Schulte, P. Boffetta, SJ Chanock, N. Rothman: Future perspectives on molecular epidemiology. In: IARC scientific publications. Number 163, 2011, pp. 493-500, ISSN  0300-5038 . PMID 22997879 .
  • M. García-Closas, R. Vermeulen, D. Cox, Q. Lan, NE Caporaso, N. Rothman: Population-based study designs in molecular epidemiology. In: IARC scientific publications. Number 163, 2011, pp. 241-259, ISSN  0300-5038 . PMID 22997866 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b R. Ranjbar, A. Karami, S. Farshad, GM Giammanco, C. Mammina: Typing methods used in the molecular epidemiology of microbial pathogens: a how-to guide. In: The new microbiologica. Volume 37, Number 1, January 2014, pp. 1-15, ISSN  1121-7138 . PMID 24531166 .
  2. a b N. Field, T. Cohen, MJ Struelens, D. Palm , B. Cookson, JR Glynn, V. Gallo, M. Ramsay, P. Sonnenberg, D. Maccannell, A. Charlett, M. Egger, J Green, P. Vineis, I. Abubakar: Strengthening the Reporting of Molecular Epidemiology for Infectious Diseases (STROME-ID): an extension of the STROBE statement. In: The Lancet Infectious Diseases . Volume 14, Number 4, April 2014, pp. 341-352, ISSN  1474-4457 . doi : 10.1016 / S1473-3099 (13) 70324-4 . PMID 24631223 .
  3. M. Desai, J. Kubo, D. Esserman, MB Terry: The handling of missing data in molecular epidemiology studies. In: Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention . Volume 20, Number 8, August 2011, pp. 1571-1579, ISSN  1538-7755 . doi : 10.1158 / 1055-9965.EPI-10-1311 . PMID 21750174 .
  4. ^ PA Schulte, N. Rothman, P. Hainaut, MT Smith, P. Boffetta, FP Perera: Molecular epidemiology: linking molecular scale insights to population impacts. In: IARC scientific publications. Number 163, 2011, pp. 1-7, ISSN  0300-5038 . PMID 22997853 .
  5. JA Carriço, AJ Sabat, AW Friedrich, M. Ramirez: Bioinformatics in bacterial molecular epidemiology and public health: databases, tools and the next-generation sequencing revolution. In: Eurosurveillance . Volume 18, number 4, 2013, p. 20382, ISSN  1560-7917 . PMID 23369390 .
  6. M. Pérez-Losada, P. Cabezas, E. Castro-Nallar, KA Crandall: Pathogen typing in the genomics era: MLST and the future of molecular epidemiology. In: Infection, Genetics and Evolution . Volume 16, June 2013, pp. 38-53, ISSN  1567-7257 . doi : 10.1016 / j.meegid.2013.01.009 . PMID 23357583 .
  7. S. Baker, WP Hanage, KE Holt: Navigating the future of bacterial molecular epidemiology. In: Current Opinion in Microbiology. Volume 13, Number 5, October 2010, pp. 640-645, ISSN  1879-0364 . doi : 10.1016 / j.mib.2010.08.002 . PMID 20846899 . PMC 2963795 (free full text).
  8. ^ CM McHale, L. Zhang, R. Thomas, MT Smith: Analysis of the transcriptome in molecular epidemiology studies. In: Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis . Volume 54, Number 7, August 2013, pp. 500-517, ISSN  1098-2280 . doi : 10.1002 / em.21798 . PMID 23907930 .
  9. ^ ED Kilbourne: The molecular epidemiology of influenza. In: The Journal of Infectious Diseases . Volume 127, Number 4, April 1973, pp. 478-487, ISSN  0022-1899 . PMID 4121053 .
  10. Schulte, Paul A .; Perera, Frederica P .: Molecular Epidemiology: Principles and Practice. Academic Press, 1993. ISBN 0-12-632346-1 . P. 588.