Dieter Palm

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Dieter Palm (born November 21, 1924 in Schorndorf ; † March 29, 2005 ) was a German pharmacologist .

After studying medicine at the University of Tübingen and the University of Munich , Dieter Palm received his doctorate in 1951. This was followed by additional studies in chemistry with a second doctorate in 1958 at the University of Innsbruck and in 1964 the habilitation in pharmacology and toxicology at the University of Frankfurt with Peter Holtz .

Thereafter, Dieter Palm was full professor for pharmacology and toxicology and director of the Institute for Pharmacology in Frankfurt until his retirement in 1992. During his many years of activity, biogenic amines including molecular mechanisms remained his field of work, and he published the results in more than 160 original papers.


  • Björn Lemmer : Obituary for Prof. Dr. med. Dieter Palm. In: BIOspektrum, 4/2005, pp. 3-4.